Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sew much more...

I finally started the dress I wanted to make for Carlie for Christmas. (about time, I know) All that's left is to attach the binding on the collar and sleeves and maybe a few decorative buttons on the front. Sewing from a pattern was pretty painless this time around. If I keep working at it I'll have the shirt for Jack and the pants for both kids finished in time! (keep your fingers crossed for me) I've been wanting to make a skirt for myself, but it'll have to wait until after the holidays. (it's a really great pattern I found on burdastyle) Sooner or later I'll get around to posting some pictures of the clothes. I haven't been knitting much, but I did manage to sew a fleece hat and mitten set for Jack. I've been working hard on improving my skills. I"m just focusing on one skill set at a time.

In regards to the other challenge: the house has been between 62 and 66 degrees in the day and somewhere around 60 at night. Not too bad.

We're trying hard to use less energy. We invested in a set of heavy drapes for the bedroom and I might make some for the living room. Bruce noticed that a lot of cold air is coming up from the basement through the heater ducts. Right now we're just covering them with pillows or blankets until we come up with a better solution.

It's been cold and windy here in Michigan. We're trying hard to stay warm (but not too warm). Grab an extra sweater, make a cup of tea, and curl up under a blanket with a good book.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fall Photos

The Family - Happy Autumn!!
How my son sees me. He must think I'm crazy...

Celebrating Halloween with Snow White and a Pirate.

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Challenges

Okay, I must be crazy. I've signed up for 2 challenges offered by other bloggers, 'Freeze yer Buns Off' (lowering your thermostat to 65 in the day and below 60 at night) by Crunchy Chicken and 'The Competence Project' (learning new skills) by Sharon. Will I be able to knit the fingerless mittens before I get cold enough to need them? Can I learn new skills or perfect old ones while I'm bundled in and a hat and mittens indoors??? I'll let you know in the months to come!!

Controlling the temperature in the house might prove to be a bit difficult. We're heating our home with wood and I'm not very good at keeping the fire even and the temp consistent. However, one of the commitments I made in Sharon's challenge was to learn how to better manage the woodstove.

The other commitments were:

  • Knitting mittens (I tried to make mittens for Jack. The first one I made was way too narrow but now my ipod has a nice cozy wool holder for when we go out...)
  • Sewing some clothes for the kids (I made a shirt for my mom's birthday but I'm not very confident in my skills)
  • Learning enough about chickens so ours will survive upon their arrival in the spring
  • Improving upon my knowledge about what's in season, growing, and using it accordingly
  • Learning Herbal remedies and actually using them.

In the past year I learned how to make bread from scratch, grow a garden, chop wood and make soap. I've had numerous opportunites to practice patience and being a better mom and wife.

So what new skills have you learned? something you're working on? been putting off? Take time this winter to learn and grow. I'll let you know how I'm doing...

Nov 10th: day - avg 62 degrees (although it did get up to 67 for awhile before bed)

night - low of 57 degrees

right on course so far.