Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baking, Creating

Yesterday was a day for making, baking, and creating.  Chicken noodle soup in the crockpot (to get rid of the allergy sickies we have), banana bread and chocolate chip cookies (yum!).  Painting shelves for the youth room (finally!).  Working on a few sewing projects with Carlie (yay!).  Beautiful, wonderful, blissful.  *sigh*

I seem to get so much accomplished on Mondays.  Even a bit of laundry!  We won't talk about dishes or clutter... maybe those will be tasks for Tuesday!  :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

* 9 years *

Today we are celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary.  I can hardly believe it.  The time is flying by...  it has been busy and amazing.  To remind us of some of the events over our 9 years, my mom posted this on my facebook page:

"One burned out apartment, 2 houses, 1 broken wrist, a few surgeries, several stitches, too many rabies shots, 1 cut off wedding ring, 1 replacement wedding ring, quite a few cars, 1 motorcycle, 2 dogs, 5 chickens, 3 fish, 1 pregnancy with bed rest, 1 without, many great 4th of July games, a lot a tears, even more laughter, 2 and 1/2 kids, yes, it has been a full 9 years.. We love you guys, Happy Anniversary."

To be married to a man you love, who loves you back... who is faith-filled, devoted, kind...attractive (oh yeah!), has a great sense of humor... is FAR more patient than I deserve... an amazing father to our growing brood of children... Man.  I feel so incredibly blessed.  Beyond-words-kind-of-blessed.  And thankful.  :)

Us back in January of this year... chaperoning a youth retreat (no sleep).  I'll have to find a better picture!